"The goal of meditation isn't to control your thoughts, it's to stop letting them control you"Mindful May was a movement started a few years ago to bring mindfulness to the forefront of people’s lives – an online platform you could join for daily inspiration, mindfulness techniques and a challenge to meditate daily for the 30 days. I like to celebrate Mindful May by including meditation in all classes. Why do we need to be more mindful?The Buddhists and Yogis describe our minds like drunken monkeys, jumping erratically from one thing to the next, completely out of control. Often it is not until we sit silently in meditation that we come to experience how out of control our mind is! As we are so caught up in thoughts of the past and the future, we are missing the only moment that we have – the present.
In this newsletter find out about Mindful May - understanding what is mindfulness vs meditation and take part of the challenge - commit to sit throughout May. All classes during May will include meditation! Also delicious pumpkin curry recipes, class updates including new classes, workshops and one on one sessions.
You can access the newsletter here. SO many of us are tight in the legs and hips. Often we don't even realise how tight until we are asked to bend over and try and touch our toes. So much of what we do aims to either tighten or weaken the muscles in the legs and hips (think of all that sitting you might do at desks, in cars, on lounges) which then has a huge impact on pulling strongly on our lower back. This sequence will give you more length in your legs and greater freedom and mobility in the hips. It's really important to establish a steady, calm breath rhythm before you begin to use as a foundation for the practice - there are a number of challenging poses - use the breath to stay calm to focus on release rather than resistance. You truly will enjoy the rewards by staying still, and remaining for the duration of the pose.